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Бывший футболист "Валенсии" объявил о завершении карьеры в 23 года

Бывший футболист "Валенсии" Ибраим Дьялло завершил карьеру.

23-летний малийский игрок заявил, что не смог полностью восстановиться после серьезной травмы колена.

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Today I decided to speak publicly about my situation, as many of you already know, I was the victim of a serious knee injury, I have been fighting day and night for 3 years to come back and do what I love most but unfortunately my destiny choose otherwise, after consulting the doctors, talking with my family, the club, I decided to stop my professional career. when I was a child my dream was to become a professional player thank god I realized my dream even if the road was short with only 5 years of career. I thank Allah, @aspire_academy @kaseupenofficial @valenciacf for giving me this opportunity to realize one of my childhood dreams. I thank my family who was there for me from the start, who never gave up on me, who supported me a lot and I thank everyone who supported me during my short career. I would not be in the stadium to play but I wil still be number one supporter of this beautiful sport. #newstep#lookingforward#alwayspositive? ?

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Дьялло находился в системе испанского клуба с 2014 по 2016 гол. Он сыграл 4 матча за первую команду "Валенсии".

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